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58th Conference on Decision and Control - Nice, France - December 11th-13th 2019

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Credits photo: Office de Tourisme de Nice, France
Credits logo: Tania Canudas de Wit

Student Programs
All questions related to Student Programs should be directed to the
Student Activities Chair: Antoine Chaillet.
Room Sharing
Meet the Faculty Candidates poster session
IEEE CSS Student Travel Support Program
Best Student Paper Award

Room Sharing

Student Hotel Accommodation -- Roommate Finder

To help students identify other students who may be interested in sharing a room at the CDC 2019, a Facebook group has been created. Note that the Roommate Finder group serves just as a tool to identify potential roommates. The conference organizers will not perform the booking/reservation nor are any financial obligations involved. The responsibility to reserve/book the rooms is with the participating students only. In short, there is no administrative or financial responsibility with the conference organizers and you will organize everything by yourself. Please make the room reservation for yourself and take care of the communication with your roommate! For hotel information, please see the conference webpage Hotel-Local Information.

Meet the Faculty Candidates poster session

Building on the success of the past several events, the 2019 CDC will feature the "Meet the Faculty Candidates" poster session. This poster session provides a great opportunity for faculty, search committee members, and recruiters to speak directly with current graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are seeking faculty positions.

Faculty candidates, registered for the conference, are invited to register for this poster session by completing this online registration form by November 15th, 2019 December 1st, 2019. The session will be held on Wednesday, December 11th, from 18:30 to 20:30 at the Acropolis Convention and Exhibition Center. Space will be available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Presenters are asked to bring a poster no larger than 3ft x 4ft (A0 format) along with pushpins to attach the poster. Presenters will likely be more successful providing high-level discussions of their work such as motivation, strategies, unique insights, rather than narrow mathematical detailed discussions, unless asked specifically for those details. Presenters are also encouraged to bring copies of their CV for distribution. If you have questions please contact Antoine Chaillet at

IEEE CSS Student Travel Support Program of CDC 2019

Program Details

The Organizing Committee of CDC 2019 is pleased to announce Student Travel Support, made available by the IEEE Control Systems Society. These funds are meant to enhance the chances of promising students to attend CDC 2019, present their papers and become more integrated into the CSS scientific community. The limited amount of funds available are not reimbursed to the student awardees, but are applied by the conference organizers to (i) conference registration and (ii) partial lodging expenses; please click here for more information.

Eligibility and Requirements

Each applicant

  1. must be an author or co-author of a paper accepted for presentation at CDC 2019,
  2. must register at the conference (please see further instructions below),
  3. must present a paper.

In order to be eligible for either program, an applicant must be a (student) member of both IEEE and CSS, at the time of the conference registration.

In case the number of applicants exceeds the budget, additional criteria will be used to make a selection among the applicants. These additional criteria, in decreasing order of importance, prefer applicants who have not benefited from this scheme in the last two years, will present more than one paper at the conference, have been student members of the CSS since one, two, or more years, can demonstrate active participation in CSS. In addition, the selection committee may decide to limit awards where more than one presenter from the same institution would otherwise be offered an award to attend the same conference.

Application Procedures

The application website opens on July 25 and closes on August 15. To apply, students must fill in the form available at

using login: student
password: student-cdc19

The filled form must be converted to PDF format, and uploaded/submitted through PaperPlaza as follows:

  • Step 1: Select Submit a paper or session proposal for the CDC 2019
  • Step 2: Select First Submissions: Student Travel Form (please make sure that the student who is applying for the travel support is listed as corresponding author of the application)
  • Step 3: To complete the application procedure, the Student's Advisor must contact via e-mail Professor Elisa Franco, Student Activities Chair of the IEEE Control Systems Society (, and provide her with the following information:
    • Certification that the applicant is currently enrolled as a student and is planning to attend and present a paper at the CDC 2019
    • Short message of support of the Student's application (less than 10 lines).

Deadlines and Award Notification

  • July 25: the application website opens
  • August 15: the application website closes
  • August 31: decision messages about travel support recipients are expected to be sent out
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not register until you have received the decision letter where the details of the special registration procedure for Student Travel Awardees will be announced. Please be aware that the registration fee may not be reimbursed in case you have already registered using the standard registration procedure.
  • September 10: deadline for registering and uploading the final version of the manuscript.
In the event that questions arise or additional support beyond the established norms is awarded, original receipts will be needed for reimbursement, and details on the procedure will be distributed if needed.

Best Student Paper Award

Purpose and eligibility criteria: see IEEE CSS webpage.

Deadline: August 15, 2019

Procedure: Nominations must be made by the student's advisor through PaperPlaza, using this nomination form. Please contact Graziano Chesi for any further information on this award.


  • Nominee: Lars Lindemann (
    Paper title: Control Barrier Functions for Multi-Agent Systems under Conflicting Local Signal Temporal Logic Tasks
    Paper authors: Lars Lindemann, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
    Session: ThA25.3
  • Nominee: Jin-Won Kim (
    Paper title: What is the Lagrangian for Nonlinear Filtering?
    Paper authors: Jin-Won Kim, Prashant G. Mehta, Sean P. Meyn
    Session: WeB19.1
  • Nominee: Michael W. Fisher (
    Paper title: Numerical Computation of Critical System Recovery Parameter Values by Trajectory Sensitivity Maximization
    Paper authors: Michael W. Fisher, Ian A. Hiskens
    Session: FrC14.1
  • Nominee: Shiba Biswal (
    Paper title: Fastest Mixing Markov Chain on a Compact Manifold
    Paper authors: Shiba Biswal, Karthik Elamvazhuthi, Spring Berman
    Session: Wea16.2

Key dates (2019)
Submission Site Open:January 4
Initial Paper Submissions
to L-CSS with CDC Option Due:
March 1
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 7
Initial Paper
Submissions Due:
March 17
Tutorial Session
Proposals Due:
March 31
Workshop Proposals Due:May 2
Paper and Workshop
Decision Notification:
Final Submission Open:August 1
Registration Opens:August 1
Best Student Paper
Nominations Opens:
August 1
Best Student Paper
Nominations Closes:
August 15
Accepted Papers Due:September 12
Early Bird Closes:October 1
Conference opens:December 11
Conference closes:December 13

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