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58th Conference on Decision and Control - Nice, France - December 11th-13th 2019

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Credits photo: Office de Tourisme de Nice, France
Credits logo: Tania Canudas de Wit

Technical Program

The technical program is now available.

Aside from the technical sessions, the 2019 CDC will feature the Bode Lecture and four semi-plenary lectures.
The Bode Lecture will be presented by Lei Guo , Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
The four semi-plenary speakers will be: Alessandro Astolfi, Francis Bach, Domitilla Del Vecchio, Robert Mahony.

Rodolphe Sepulchre, Program Chair

Key dates (2019)
Submission Site Open:January 4
Initial Paper Submissions
to L-CSS with CDC Option Due:
March 1
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 7
Initial Paper
Submissions Due:
March 17
Tutorial Session
Proposals Due:
March 31
Workshop Proposals Due:May 2
Paper and Workshop
Decision Notification:
Final Submission Open:August 1
Registration Opens:August 1
Best Student Paper
Nominations Opens:
August 1
Best Student Paper
Nominations Closes:
August 15
Accepted Papers Due:September 12
Early Bird Closes:October 1
Conference opens:December 11
Conference closes:December 13

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Copper Sponsors

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