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Credits logo: Tania Canudas de Wit
57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Andrew R. Teel, PC: Magnus Egerstedt
Fontainebleau Miami Beach,
Miami Beach, FL, USA, 17-19 December 2018
56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GCs: Richard Middleton, Dragan Nesic PC: Mario Sznaier
Melbourne Convention Center,
Melbourne, Australia, 12-15 December 2017
55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Alessandro Giua, PC: Francesco Bullo
ARIA Resort & Casino,
Las Vegas, NV, USA, 12-14 December 2016
54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Yoshito Ohta, PC: Mitsuji Sampei
Osaka International Convention Center,
Osaka, Japan, 15-18 December 2015
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Faryar Jabbari, PC: Andrew R. Teel
J.W. Marriott Hotel,
Los Angeles, CA, USA, 15-17 December 2014
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Thomas Parisini, Roberto Tempo, PC: André L. Tits
Palazzo dei congressi
Florence, Italy, 10-13 December 2013
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Jay A. Farrell, PC: Maria Elena Valcher
Grand Wailea
Maui, Hawaii, 10-13 December 2012
Joint 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference
GC: Edwin K.P. Chong, PC: Marios M. Polycarpou
Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek
Orlando, Florida, 12-15 December 2011
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Mark W. Spong, PC: Fathi Ghorbel
Hilton Atlanta Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia, 15-17 December 2010
Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference
GC: Lei Guo, John Baillieul, PC: Daizhan Cheng, Faryar Jabbari
Oriental Riverside and Pudong Shangri-La Hotels
Shanghai, China 16-18 December 2009
47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Chaouki T. Abdallah, PC: Thomas Parisini
Fiesta Americana Grand Coral Beach
Cancun, Mexico 9-11 December 2008
46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: David Castañón, PC: Jim Spall
Hilton New Orleans Riverside
New Orleans, LA 12-14 December 2007
45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Pradeep Misra, PC: Rick Middleton
Manchester Grand Hyatt
San Diego, CA 13-15 December 2006
Joint 44th Conference on Decision and Control, and 2005 European Control Conference
GC: Eduardo Camacho, PC: Roberto Tempo
Melia Seville
Seville, Spain, 12-15 December 2005
43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Christos Cassandras, PC: Wei-bo Gong
The Atlantis, Paradise Islands
The Bahamas, 14-17 December 2004
42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Frank Lewis, PC: Chaouki Abdallah
Hyatt Regency Maui
Maui, HI, 9-12 December 2003
41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Umit Ozguner, PC: Kenneth Loparo
The Venetian Hotel
Las Vegas, NV, 10-13 December 2002
40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Theodore E. Djaferis, PC: Kevin M. Passino
Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress
Orlando, FL, 4-7 December 2001
39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Robert R. Bitmead, PC: Cheryl B. Schrader
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre
Sydney, NSW Australia; 12-15 December 2000
38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Edward W. Kamen, PC: Christos Cassandras
Crowne Plaza Hotel and Resort
Phoenix, AZ, 7-10 December 1999
37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: J. Douglas Birdwell, PC: David Castañón
Hyatt Regency Westshore
Tampa FL, 16-18 December 1998
36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Anthony Michel, PC: Theodore E. Djaferis
Hyatt Regency San Diego
San Diego, CA, 10-12 December 1997
35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Hidenori Kimura
Co-PCs: Katsuhisa Furuta, J. Douglas Birdwell
Portopia Hotel and International Conference Center
Kobe, Japan, 11-13 December 1996
34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Panos J. Antsaklis, PC: Edward W. Kamen
New Orleans Hilton Riverside
New Orleans, LA, 13-15 December 1995
33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Michael K. Masten, PC: N. Harris McClamroch
Buena Vista Palace
Lake Buena Vista, FL, 14-16 December 1994
32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Raymond A. DeCarlo, PC: Peter Ramadge
Marriott Rivercenter
San Antonio, TX, 15-17 December 1993
31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Tamer Basar, PC: Sergio Verdu
Westin La Paloma
Tucson, AZ, 16-18 December 1992
30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Derek Atherton, PC: Panos J. Antsaklis
Metropole Hotel
Brighton, ENGLAND, 11-13 December 1991
29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Charles J. Herget, PC: Raymond A. DeCarlo
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Honolulu, HI, 5-7 December 1990
28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Leonard Shaw, PC: Tamer Basar
Hyatt Regency Tampa Hotel
Tampa, FL, 13-15 December 1989
27th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Michael P. Polis, PC: William E. Schmitendorf
Hyatt Regency Austin on Town Lake
Austin, TX, 7-9 December 1988
26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: William S. Levine, PC: John Baillieul
Westin Century-Plaza Hotel
Los Angeles, CA, 9-11 December 1987
25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Anthony Ephremides, co-GC: Spyros Tzafestas
PC: H. Vincent Poor
Atheneum Intercontinental Hotel
Athens, GREECE; 10-12 December 1986
24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Gene F. Franklin, PC: Anthony N. Michel
Bonaventure Hotel & Spa
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 11-13 December 1985
23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Abraham H. Haddad, PC: Michael P. Polis
Las Vegas Hilton
Las Vegas, NV, 12-14 December 1984
22nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: James L. Melsa, PC: Steven I. Marcus
Marriott Hotel
San Antonio, TX, 14-16 December 1983
21st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
GC: Alexander H. Levis, PC: William S. Levine
Holiday Inn - International Drive
Orlando, FL, 8-10 December 1982
20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: William R. Perkins
PC: Abraham H. Haddad, SC: Kumpati S. Narendra
Vacation Village Hotel
San Diego, CA; 16-18 December 1981
19th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: Pierre R. Belanger
PC: David L. Kleinman, SC: Richard V. Monopoli
The Regent Hotel
Albuquerque, NM; 10-12 December 1980
18th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: Stephen Kahne
PC: Alexander H. Levis, SC: Yaakov Bar-Shalom
Galt Ocean Mile Hotel
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 12-14 December 1979
1978 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the 17th Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: Robert E. Larson, PC: Alan S. Willsky, SC: Jerry M. Mendel
Islandia Hyatt House Hotel
San Diego, CA, 10-12 January 1979
1977 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the 16th Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: K. S. Fu, PC: H. Sorenson, SC: T. Pavlidis
Fairmont Hotel
New Orleans, LA, 7-9 December 1977
1976 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the 15th Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: M. Athans, PC: E. R. Barnes, SC: T. Pavlidis
Sheraton-Sand Key Hotel
Clearwater, FL, 1-3 December 1976
1975 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the 14th Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: J. B. Cruz, Jr., PC: J. B. Pearson, SC: G. Stein
Hyatt Regency Houston
Houston, TX, 10-12 December 1975
1974 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the 13th Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: Elliot Axelband, PC: Stephen Kahne, SC: David P. Lindorff
Del Webb's Towne House
Phoenix, AZ; 20-22 November 1974
1973 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the 12th Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: J. S. Meditch, PC: D. G. Luenberger, SC: L. A. Gerhardt
Sheraton-Harbor Island Hotel
San Diego, CA; 5-7 December 1973
1972 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the 11th Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: J. M. Mendel, PC: Y. C. Ho, SC: G. N. Saridis
Fontainebleau Motor Hotel
New Orleans, LA; 13-15 December 1972
1971 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
including the 10th Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: J. T. Tou, PC: S. K. Mitter, SC: J. M. Mendel
Americana Hotel
Miami Beach, FL, 15-17 December 1971
1970 Symposium on Adaptive Processes (9th)
Decision and Control
GC, PC: D. J. Lainiotis
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX, 7-9 December 1970
IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC: J. B. Lewis, PC: G. J. McMurty
Pennsylvania State University
PA; 17-19 November 1969
IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Processes
GC, PC: J. M. Mendel
Los Angeles, CA, 16-18 December 1968
Symposium on Adaptive Processes; part of NEC
GC: F. M. Waltz, PC: P. E. Mayes
International Amphitheater
Chicago, IL, 23-25 October 1967
Symposium on Adaptive Processes; part of NEC
GC: F. N. Bailey, PC: J. C. Hancock
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL, 3-5 October 1966
Symposium on Adaptive Processes; part of NEC
GC: E. C. Jones, Jr., PC: G. Brown
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL, 25-27 October 1965
Symposium on Adaptive Processes; part of NEC
GC: F. J. Mullin
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL, 19-21 October 1964
Symposium on Adaptive Processes; part of NEC
GC: L. Kanal
McCormick Place
Chicago, IL, 28-29 October 1963
Discrete Adaptive Processes - Symposium
and Panel Discussion (IEEE); part of 3rd JACC
GC: J. Sklansky
New York University
New York City, NY, 29 June 1962
Key dates (2019)
Submission Site Open: | January 4 |
Initial Paper Submissions to L-CSS with CDC Option Due: | March 1 |
Invited Session Proposals Due: | March 7 |
Initial Paper Submissions Due: | March 17 |
Tutorial Session Proposals Due: | March 31 |
Workshop Proposals Due: | May 2 |
Paper and Workshop Decision Notification: | mid-July |
Final Submission Open: | August 1 |
Registration Opens: | August 1 |
Best Student Paper Nominations Opens: | August 1 |
Best Student Paper Nominations Closes: | August 15 |
Accepted Papers Due: | September 12 |
Early Bird Closes: | October 1 |
Conference opens: | December 11 |
Conference closes: | December 13 |
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